Due to the Corona Virus, we are taking all necessary precautions such as:
measure the temperature of each one before entering the studio,
mandatory mask use,
cleaning of personal objects,
sanitization of hands,
among other measures.
Defined and spaced schedules to avoid agglomeration
in addition to cleaning the place between sessions.
Everything to have a safe environment for your Session.
The arrival of a baby is
an unforgettable moment that deserves
to be remembered for a lifetime.
We try to express all this emotion
through the photography.
That is why we specialize with
many foreign and Brazilian professionals, seeking to improve the quality
of our services by knowing
the anatomy and physiology of the baby,
first aid,
safe positioning,
besides photographic techniques.
The photos are taken between
the 5th and 15th day after birth.
All the little clothes, accessories
and backdrops are provided by our team.
For newborn photography,
contact us for more details.
Watch the video below
and see some examples of photos
that you might like to do.
Make your plan the way you want it,
with the kind of pictures you imagine.
Below are some options:

Basic Plan.
Photos of the baby in basic poses.
Basic Plan

Photos with brother,
more elaborate
and differentiated.
Add plans

Pictures of the baby in the baskets, with clothes
and beautiful accessories
Add plans

Photos more
specific requested
in particular.
Add plans

Simple Family Photos,
in various poses and
Add plans

Mounted scenery
especially for you,
being unique and exclusive
Add plans